The vast majority of the country has been covered in some delightful snow over the past week or so. From what I've heard though, there hasn't been that much in Liverpool over the past few days. There certainly wasn't any snow last week when I was at home...though that added a level of awesomeness on the train journey back. Through Liverpool and Manchester, there was no snow, but then as the train got closer to Yorkshire and Leeds, the amount of snow started to increase until I got into Leeds. It was pretty funky.
Of course, since then, we've had a couple of days of it snowing on and off. It's absolutely nothing to other places around the country. Sophie showed me the scene outside her flat in Sheffield yesterday, and it looked as though a car had been effectively buried under the snow. THAT is cool, though I imagine it's highly frustrating for the owner of the car, and it probably doesn't actually do any good for the car.
Yesterday was glorious though. I had to get to uni to do the planning for the podcast assignment, which actually looks really cool. If things go as well as we're hoping with the planning, it could be really good and we should get a really good mark. Result! As I left the flat though, it started to snow. And it didn't really stop until mid-afternoon. It was strange to see how the city almost ground to a halt. I had an epic moment of glory on the way to a quick visit to Tesco with Rachel and her flat. She threw a snowball at me, and I distinctly recall telling her on Monday to not do such a thing, otherwise I wouldn't hesitate in taking her down in the snow. So naturally, I obliged and went to take her down...thinking it'd be a simple trip of some sort. Seems I pretty much picked her up and slammed her to the ground in a sequence that Cain Velasquez would be proud of. Ich fuehle mich so maennlich!!
It's a bit mental though how we get some snow and the country descends into chaos. We had a similar scenario earlier this year, and if this is all down to climate change, surely we should be expecting much more of this sort of thing in the future. So why don't we begin to prepare for this sort of thing? If, in 5 years, we still have a country that stops completely when there's a few inches of snow, this country is in major trouble. I'm not the man to fix the problem, but I'll be more than happy to point the problems out and then sit back and have a sleep while someone else who can do a better job sorts everything out.
It's finally December, and this means that we're just 29 short days away from 2011. That's a bit crazy! What have I done with the other 336 days? I'll definitely be doing some sort of end-of-year blog entry...maybe. I'll have to actually sit down and think of things that I've done with my year though, my mind isn't great at remembering things these days. Oops!
It is December though, and this means that Christmas music is now socially acceptable to listen to. I celebrated this fact by putting a Christmas album onto my iPod bang on midnight. Anything called "We Wish You a Metal Xmas and a Headbanging New Year" must equal win.
Anyone who reads this and is in Leeds, this part is for you. If you're elsewhere in the country, feel free to read it, but I'm shamelessly plugging an event in Leeds.
Honeydrum are having their Christmas party/Winter Feast in the Riley Smith Theatre in Leeds University Union NEXT THURSDAY (9th) from 7-11. There's a couple of hundred tickets available for this, and they're at the amazing price of just £2. Come down and get involved with singing, dancing, drumming, a raffle, food, fun and more. It promises to be an utterly amazing evening. They'll be in the union on Monday (and Tuesday...I think) selling tickets and advertising Honeydrum in general. If you're free, head down and check them out!
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